Maker Sports, your brand, uniform and merchandise specialists. Make no mistake, Team sport is tribal. Your look, the way you train, the way you prepare all impacts performance on game day. Maker Sports looks after the look. We are a vertically integrated design and production resource supporting uniform, outer wear and general merchandise needs of clubs, associations and organisations. Tailor made personalised factory production made available via your very own ‘club’ webstore. Outer wear and sports attire is personalised and made to order removing the burden of investment by clubs as well as delivering personalised individual and team merchandise solutions.
Club Merchandise:
Maker Sports supports families and supporters that support clubs. Players, families and supporters thrive on engagement. Supporter merchandise direct from maker to supporter promotes engagement as well as providing comfortable and functional outer wear at ‘better than retail’ prices. The My Maker design team works with club Administrators to develop and have approved player and supporter merchandise including outer wear, bags, novelty, towels, blankets and cushions. Approved merchandise is presented on the My Maker clubs ‘exclusive retail platform’ (for example: where supporters and members can order ‘made to order’ merchandise. Also featured on the exclusive retail platform are approved ‘available in stock’ items for immediate delivery after purchase. Made to order items are supplied in a 4 week window and stock items supplied in a 4 day window. The exclusive retail platform provides for an intuitive and immersive ‘closed’ retail experience delivering incredible value to members and supporters by virtue of the vertically integrated factory direct supply line.
The Maker Sports platform tool provides for authorised administrator commissioning and purchasing to support seasonal supporter merchandise demand as well as providing the option for individual supporters to order club licensed personalised merchandise. Administrator can order in bulk. Supporter can order in ‘1’s’.
Player Uniforms and kit:
An often times expensive and administratively intense process, the Maker Sports platform transacts approved uniform supply directly with players families. Whether new to the club or for replacement uniforms, families login to the platform, access their ‘team folder’ and are stepped through Uniform and merchandise procurement. Supply options average out delivery four weeks from ordering. Aside from providing manufacturer direct pricing, the intuitive Maker platform logs individual team details on the club platform and manages numbers and personalisation within each team.